Zazzling Ideas are from my own store(s) or affiliate. I receive a small compensation if you make a purchase. This supports the running costs of OnePennyTourist.
Tip: If you’re in the UK, I recommend visiting “UK” links whenever possible as the item can be purchased locally. THEN visit any remaining items that are only available on the US store as they may be subject to import duty.
Zazzling Ideas: Friday October 2nd
Why yes, I am starting with one of my own items, and from this very blog! I thought this photo from my Portofino Bay Hotel at Universal Orlando post would make a great Travel Journal cover. Customisable with your own name too 🙂
Loving this Tote Bag!
One of my own designs. I went for a bit of a Brit-grunge look, hehe.
Super girly…and I don’t care! 😉

USA Pink and Blue Vintage Roses Pattern Monogrammed Compact Mirror
UK Pink and Blue Vintage Roses Pattern Monogrammed Compact Mirror
WANT!! It’s currently blank on the back though – fortunately the item is customisable so I think it’s best to add the image again or perhaps put a name on it.
This… is…awesome – and I’m totally showing my age, haha.

USA Funny Vintage 80s Retro Music Cassette Tape Barely There iPhone 6 Case
UK Funny Vintage 80s Retro Music Cassette Tape Barely There iPhone 6 Case
Another Tote style bag and one of my own designs. You’ll probably find them to be a recurring theme as I confess I have a bit of ‘a thing’ for them!
I love, love, love Dr Who – have watched it ever since my childhood, now fondly referred to as ‘classic’, hehe.

USA Vintage Police phone Public Call Box Luggage Tag
UK Vintage Police phone Public Call Box Luggage Tag
Oooh, nice bit of Steam Punk – travel mash up. Me likes!
Hope you’ve enjoyed this weeks Zazzling Ideas. See you again next week 🙂