Monday, February 10

10 European cities you didn’t know you wanted to visit, a mini-birthday and techy trauma

It’s been an interesting week. It started with a mini-blog-birthday, yup, OnePennyTourist is now 6 months old! I know, right? They grow up so fast *dabs away a tear*

It was also the week my blog ‘fell over’, going offline for about 8 hours. Apologies if you couldn’t access the site (more tears). The cause was a mystery, but hopefully just a blip.

This is me when things go horribly wrong on my blog. OnePennyTourist.comDespite this week being a little busy though, I found a new toy called Listly, which, (and you’ll never guess this), allows you to make lists, hehe. But they are pretty lists, and I really love that I can make slideshows for you all now!

So just for fun:

10 European cities you didn’t even know you wanted to visit.

You may be familiar with two as my ego meant I included myself, haha, but there are 8 other cool cities to explore. See something interesting? Hit the photo and find some great articles with lots of fab info about these european cities to read.

Be sure to use the Thumbs Up and Down function too, as this gives me valuable feedback about what things you like for future blog posts 🙂

[listly  id=”nfp” layout=”slideshow” show_header=”true” show_author=”true” show_sharing=”true” show_tools=”true” per_page=”1″]

^ You can ignore the ‘More Lists by Penny’ – I’ve not created any more yet (though did have fun doing it so I’m sure I will), but I couldn’t find how to remove that line.

In other news, you may have  noticed I’ve had a small site re-design too. It’s a new theme, but very similar to my previous one as I didn’t want to do anything too drastic.

There is also a ‘Subscriber Only‘ area too. It’s small but over time I will be adding in little extras for subscribers as a thank you for trusting me enough to supply your soul email address. Current subscribers will already find some Desktop Wallpapers in there that I’ve created in honour of my mini-birthday.
Newsletter Wallpapers including Magic Kingdom and European cities
You can make sure you don’t miss out on future newsletters and exclusive content by subscribing below.

It’s ok, I don’t bite…promise.


Penny - Writer and owner of Travel Blog -



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